2:20 pm
Pre-K will be dismissed from the Annex mini-courtyard entrance
Please remember the following to help us ensure a safe and smooth arrival and dismissal each day:
Students can be dropped off at the main cafeteria bewteen 7:45-8:05am each day starting September 10th to eat breakfast. Students who arrive at 8:10am can grab a cold breakfast at the entry door to eat in the classroom. Outside breakfast food is not permitted. K-1st students will be escorted to the Annex at 8:10am.
We are happy to announce the installation of the Safer Access Door in our buildings. This will require all visitors and staff to be screened and buzzed into the building. The main door will now be locked at all times. Visitors are still required to check-in at security and show proper identifcation once in the build
All students must have a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). This provides you access to your child's grades, test scores, attendance, face to face letters and more.
Students will be using their DOE devices regularly in school. 3rd-5th students should bring their iPads back and forth to school each day in their book bags. Charge devices nightly. Lower grade devices will remain in school unless needed for homework. If you do NOT have a device, please contact the main office.
We strongly urge parents to be prompt for pick up each day. PreK-2nd students not picked up on time will be brought to the main building's gym. Parents will go to the outside pick up window in the alley to collect their child. Note: Late parents CANNOT pick up their child until AFTER 2:35pm.
Students will still have a google classroom with their classroom teacher and their SPECIAL teachers this year. Students will join their new google classrooms during the first week of school with their classroom teacher. Be sure to send your child into school with their device everyday.
There is also a link to a step by step guide to getting started in the NEW google classroom as well as the link to the new TEACHHUB access. Please note that students will NOW access their google classroom using the TEACHHUB link provided by the DOE. This change will allow for students to easily access their google classroom, DOE zoom account and other school related accounts using only ONE sign-in credential. Below is the link for the step by step guide. Please have your child login and join their new 2020-2021 google classroom by Monday, September 14th. If you have any questions or trouble, email MAcosta@schools.nyc.gov
Below you will find the school supply list for your child's class for the 2024-2025 school year!
Supply LIst Pre-K 2024-2025 (pdf)
DownloadSupply List - Kindergarten 2024-25.docx (pdf)
DownloadFirst Grade Supply List 2024-25 (pdf)
DownloadSecond Grade School Supply List 2024-2025 (pdf)
Download3rd Grade Supply List 2024-25 (1) (pdf)
Download4th Grade Supply List 2024-2025 (pdf)
Download5th Grade Supply List for the 2024-2025 School Year (pdf)
DownloadStudents who were absent or who did not purchase a package can sit for a picture on Tuesday, March 11th.